indirect speech rules

Direct He said, I can cook..

Must will become had to or would have to.. When the main idea of a speakers words is reported by another person and the exact words are not quoted, it is called indirect speech or reported speech. Example: Jai demand: Comment tait-elle ? 5)Direct speech: This summer remarked Josh, is warmer than the last.. Before understanding the rules of Direct and Indirect speech, carefully observe the examples given below : Sr. 02. In Spanish grammar, we use indirect speech, also reported speech, to say what another person has said. ( c ) Direct However, both are attributed to the speaker because they come directly from a source. Rules for Changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech: In the Indirect speech, no inverted commas are used. In this Indirect Speech, both the past tense and the present tense make the sentence a correct one.

General rules to change direct speech into indirect speech are firstly omit all inverted commas or quotation marks. Reported speech (Indirect Speech) is how we represent the speech of other people or what we ourselves say. There are five types of sentences in English which are given below.

Direct: The teacher said, The earth goes round the sun."

Example: He said that he was going to school. Indirect: Rabi said to Tanu that they should go home early. Direct: Rabi said to Tanu, we should go home early.. The shift to indirect speech leads to changes in the tense, depending on whether the verb is in the present tense or in the past tense.

(After wish, would rather, had better , it is time) Rule 4. Let us learn some of the rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech for different tenses. Here are some types of reported speech: Reported Statements. Hari said, I am very tired now. Example: I have cut my finger! cried Mrs Sharma.

Tip 10: Conversion of Indirect to Direct Speech.

The tenses, word-order, pronouns may be different from those in the direct speech sentence. No changes in the tense are made if: Some of the examples satisfying the above conditions: 2.

Note- If the direct sentence (Reported speech) contains the universal truth He said, Mohan is clever (Direct) He remarked that Mohan was clever.

Rule 1. When a reporting verb in the direct speech sentence is in past tense, then while converting it to indirect speech, all present tense transforms to past tense.

The sentence having wonder/surprise, convert it into simple sentence before changing to indirect speech. If the reporting verb is in present tense or future tense then the reported C) Rules for changing persons in He exclaimed joyfully and told me.

When writers write about phrases or sentences a source has said, they can use either direct speech or indirect speech. Direct speech is used to repeat what someone else has said, and indirect speech is used to report on what someone else has said. Indirect Speech .

Here, we have tried to cover Direct and Indirect Speech through this blog.

Indirect speech or Reported speech is a way of saying what someone else said without quoting them directly.

Rule 2)Use wh-word (Who/what/when/where etc.) The first rule of indirect speech is that any sentence relating to someone other is not bounded to be writing within inverted comas. Come sometimes changes to go.

(Adverbs of Time and Place) Rule 2. @SIR'S ENGLISH ACADEMY #kpawarclasses #englishgrammar #kpawsrsir

Direct speech: The boy said, Im happy with my results. Indirect speech: The boy said that he was happy with his results. She told him that she was happy. Read the sentences below carefully.

Punctuation marks such as comma, inverted commas that are used in Direct speech should be omitted in Indirect speech. Such as : Now becomes then Here becomes there Ago becomes before Thus becomes so Today becomes that day Tomorrow becomes the next day This becomes that Direct: Ritu said, I am eating rice.. There are three primary changes that may need to be made. Indirect speech: Kate said that they were sleeping upstairs. e.g.

Rules for changing Direct into Indirect Speech: A. (b) If the subject of the reported speech in Direct Form is in the second person, the subject of the reported speech will be replaced by the objectof the reporting verb in indirect form, but the number must be the same. First person in the reported speech : Direct: she says to me, I am tired. Rules for the change of adverbs.

Rules (3): If the Reported Speech is negative, the word not is placed before the infinitive. 8. Questions.

Where To Download English Grammar Reported Speech Rules Examples Usages, Volume- 1B Easy English Grammar-TB-08-R Direct and Indirect Speech Grammar is integral to teaching English as a second language, and yet there is often a disconnect between theory and practice.

When the reporting or principal verb is in the Past Tense, all the Present Tenses in the Direct Speech are changed into Past Tense.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech; Simple Present Tense: He said, "I feel great." The imperative sentences expresses advice, request or order. Rule 10. Direct Speech Indirect Speech; Past Continuous (Subject +was/were+V1 +ing+ Object)

What are the rules of reported speech? Indirect speech tends to be more complicated than direct speech because it requires certain changes (in both English and French). These rules are as below: 1.

direct sentence.

Reported speech.

Indirect Roshni said that she had committed the crime. Ayesha stated that she was busy then.

A) General rules of changing into indirect speech: 1.)

Punctuation marks such as comma, inverted commas that are used in Direct speech should be omitted in Indirect speech. we will see how to change the exclamatory sentence in indirect speech. GET DEAR SIR TEST SERIES NOW Viewers,We are here with one of the best video on narration/direct and indirect. Change What/How to very. Ram says to me, You are a good boy..

Reported speech is used when someone says a sentence, like, "I'm going to the movie tonight". Direct and Indirect Speech/Direct and Indirect Narration. Common rules for changing direct speech to indirect speech. e.g. Indirect Speech- What the speaker has said without using the exact words The teacher told Rajesh that he had a bright future. Comma and inverted commas will be removed.

(Indirect) 3. Narration: A) General rules of changing into indirect speech:. Kasus Khusus pada Reported Speech , Melihat dari general rule penulisan reported speech, jika reporting verb dalam bentuk past (said, told, wanted (to know)), maka verb pada direct speech diubah menjadi bentuk past pada reported speech.. Namun demikian, ada beberapa kasus dimana verb tense pada reported speech bisa saja tidak mengalami What are the rules for indirect speech?

Words showing nearness in direct speech are normally changed into words showing distance in indirect speech.

David dclare : Je veux voir mamre . End the sentence with a full stop. Indirect: He told me that he was innocent.

Today changes to that day/the same day.

Indirect: George stated that he would be unable to accompany me. In Indirect Speech, we convey the speakers message in our own words. Words showing nearness in direct speech are normally changed into words showing distance in indirect speech.

Direct Speech: Samantha said, I shall leave for London tomorrow.. ( a ) Direct He said, I will provide the safety.. Rule 3)Change the exclamatory sentence into the assertive sentence. Changes in Modals. Rules For Changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.

When we report something usin the exact words of the speaker, we use direct speech.

For yes-no questions (questions without a question-word), the indirect speech begins with si, which corresponds to the English if or whether in indirect speech. Indirect Speech for Exclamatory Sentences An Exclamatory sentence is a type of sentence that expresses some joy, sorrow, excitement, Indirect/reported speech, on the other hand, does not have to be within quotes or reported word-to-word. I asked what she was like.

If the introductory verb is in the present tense, the tense (or modal) does not change. ), or full stop (.)

From the Discussion of the foregoing examples we learn: Each new characters speech starts on a new line. So in order to convert it in indirect, some words need to be added like Requested, advised, suggested, ordered, forbade etc. Rule 8.

Comma in Direct speech is replaced in Indirect speech with a conjunction. That is direct speech.. 6)Direct speech: Kate said, We are sleeping . As we reviewed in the video, there are 4 situations where you do not need to change the time tenses in indirect/reported speech. In indirect speech the speaker and the reporting verb are kept unchanged.

Let us see an example-. Rule 1.

3. Examples of Indirect speech For Class 6.


Rule 2: In Indirect Narration of Optative Sentence, the Reporting Verb is changed into a wish or prayer and the conjunction that is used before the Reported Speech.

4 Rules for Tense Changes in Reported Speech.

2. Ram tells me that he is singing a song. This is the time for you to understand the basic rules of direct and indirect speech too.

In the above examples, it can be noticed that the words are not exactly the same as the speaker said, hence they fall in the category of indirect speech. In an indirect speech, the pronoun changes depending on whether the speaker is addressing himself or a third party. I asked what she was like. The conjunction that will not be used in Indirect Speech (in question sentence). Shruti said, Brother, I am already late. (Direct) Shruti told her brother that she was already late. In order to do this, you can use the grammar structure named indirect or reported speech.

1. Rule 4) Use statements rules of tenses, helping verbs, pronouns, adverbs showing place and time here also. Indirect speech means expressing the content of statements, questions, or other utterances and without quoting them explicitly is known as Direct speech. Examples.

Tenses; Past continuous Past perfect continuous; Shall should/ would; Rule 3. Remove the conjunctions "that, to, if or whether etc" wherever necessary.

as conjunction.

Remember, if the reporting verb (first part) of the sentence is in the past tense, then the tense of reported speech (second part) is changed for making its indirect speech.But if the reporting verb (first part) of the sentence is in the present or future tense, then

If it is in the simple past tense, change it into the past perfect tense. Related: Direct and Indirect Speech rules for Vocative word or Addressing word. The most common changes are given below. 1. Second Person.

Indirect Speech: Definition, Rules & ExamplesDirect Speech. Direct speech, also known as quoted speech, consists of words or phrases that are taken directly from the source.Indirect Speech. Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, is when words or phrases are reported in our own words.Converting Direct to Indirect Speech. When we use direct speech, we are repeating what was said. Reported Speech In If-Clauses.

Tomorrow changes to the next day/the following day. 9. Indirect: Mohan asked if I was okay.

Check it out by clicking on the following link . Can will become could..

Rules for changing the pronoun. You can understand it with the following direct indirect speech examples.

Indirect Speech is supported by some verbs like requested, ordered, suggested and advised. It requires the use of the verb to say and its variants (assent, express, order, point, etc.).Requires the use of quotation marks or hyphens or dashes.It does not require interpretation or modification of the message.It is used in the media, academic and literary texts.

), Mark of Exclamation (!

If the verb inside the inverted commas/quotation marks is in the present tense, change it into the corresponding past tense.

Rule 2. Remove the words like Well-done etc. In linguistics, indirect speech (also reported speech or indirect discourse) is a grammatical mechanism for reporting the content of another utterance without directly quoting it. Reported speech: indirect speech - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary

Direct speech is known as repeating the exact words spoken and Indirect speech is known as reporting the words.Changes as per Tense. Indirect speech: Josh said that that summer was warmer than the last.

#1 - Personal pronouns and possessives may need to be changed: DS. Direct to Indirect Speech Conversion Rules. Whenever you report a speech theres a reporting verb used like say or tell. Rules (3): The Conjunction that is used to introduce the Reported Speech Rules (4): The Exclamatory or Optative sentence is changed into an assertive one before it is put into Indirect Speech.

The tense of the reporting verb is never changed. I

Reported Speech focuses more on the content of what someone said rather than their exact words.

The most common changes are given below.


1. Later, we want to tell a 3rd person what the first person is doing. Comma in Direct speech is replaced in Indirect speech with a conjunction. The other method is to summarize, or tell about what someone said. Indirect: Ritu said that she was eating rice. Rules for the change of adverbs. Indirect speech is also called indirect statement; therefore, indirect speech cannot be in the form of a question. 3. Each narration has its own set of rules, that must be followed. Come sometimes changes to go. Indirect speech. Indirect: She tells me that she is tired. (Pronouns) Rule 7.

For example: Direct speech: I love to play football. 2.) This is called reported speech..

Tomorrow changes to the next day/the following day.

gym everyday..

Rule 7 - Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion - Change of Time 1. Direct / InDirect Speech; Reporting / Reported Speech; Narrations; In easy words if i tell you so they all are same. In indirect speech, we change the pronouns, verbs and sometimes the tense to show that we are repeating someone elses words.

Example: Jai demand: Comment tait-elle ? You can use reported speech. Reported Speech of Time-Clauses. Read on to understand each of these elements individually. Direct And Indirect Speech Complete Rules.

There are certain rules which need to be followed while changing from direct to indirect speech or vice versa: Rule 1: Backshift changes. Learn the rules for Spanish indirect speech online with Lingolias and practice indirect speech in the free exercises. Rule for changing Direct Speech to Indirect Speech. Before we get into the rules for reporting speech, here are the terms we are using to explain it.

(1) In Direct speech: We may quote his actual words in inverted commas by placing a comma before the remark e.g.

Rule 2. The conjunction that is used in Indirect speech of all positive sentences.

Reported speech is changed according to the tenses. Indirect Speech for Exclamatory Sentences An Exclamatory sentence is a type of sentence that expresses some joy, sorrow, excitement, or any other kind of emotion.

Direct: Rabi said to Tanu, we should go home early..

Question-word questions are introduced by the same question-word in indirect speech.. Examples are: (i) He said to me, Help him in setting the accounts. (2) In Indirect speech: We may report what he said without quoting his exact words e.g. What is an example of indirect rule? Indirect rule was used by various colonial rulers: the French in Algeria and Tunisia, the Dutch in the East Indies, Portuguese in Angola and Mozambique and Belgians in Burundi. These dependencies were often called protectorates or trucial states.

Every sentence has its Specific Rules other than General Rules to change from direct speech to indirect speech. What are the rules for indirect speech? Direct and Indirect are two types of narration, in which the same sentence is narrated in two different ways according to the proper rules of each narration. Direct: Ram will say, I go to the.

Rules (2): In the case of Optative Sentences the Reporting Verb is changed to wish/pray/ long for/yearn/earnestly desire, etc. A direct speech can have : Question mark (? Direct: He said to me, I am innocent. The second rule is, the indirect speech must be written in past sentence because someone has said in the past. Reported speech: Jake said Rules for direct indirect speech. The comma and quotation mark are replaced by that after reporting verb. But reported speech has only full stop (.) So, lets get started!

1. In direct speeches, the words that express nearness in time or place are changed to words that express distance in indirect speech. Rules For Changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech. e.g. Indirect Speech: Matin said that he had bought the book the previous day. Change in Punctuation. Indirect He said that he was going to America then.

Sentences should be changed when converting direct speech to indirect speech. He requested me to help him in setting the accounts. Omit all inverted commas or quotation marks. A comma also have to be added. Direct speech: Jake said: I bought some DVDs. We can use it in questions, statements, and other phrases.

Simple Past Tense:

In writing, it functions to move a piece along by boiling down points that an interview source made. Change of Tense. Also Read: Direct And Indirect Speech Complete Rules; I have already done direct and indirect speech exercises In Indirect speech, the message of the speaker is conveyed in our own words. Rule 5.


These are: There will be no quotation marks, speech marks, or inverted commas. e.g.

In case of changing narration from indirect to direct speech, conjunction such as that, if, whether, should be omitted. Direct and Indirect Speech Narration Exercise 1 & 2 (Solved) Direct and Indirect Speech Narration Exercise 3 & 4 (Solved) For yes-no questions (questions without a question-word), the indirect speech begins with si, which corresponds to the English if or whether in indirect speech. Reported Speech is also known as Direct and Indirect Speech or Narration. For example, the English sentence Jill said she was coming is indirect discourse while Jill said "I'm coming" would be direct discourse.In fiction, the "utterance" might amount to an unvoiced thought that

Rule 1.

If the reporting verb is in past tense, we make changes to 2. Jai demand comment elle tait. We can learn this with few examples to make it clearer: "I cannot be with you," George stated flatly. For Example: Direct: He said I am playing Switching From Direct to Indirect Speech. Indirect: Rabi said to Tanu that they should go home early.

If there is an objective in reporting speech, add and told me. goes to the gym everyday. Im sorry. He says he is sorry. Rules for changing Direct Speech to Indirect Speech.

not change. Following are the steps to convert the Direct/Indirect Speech and also lets discuss Direct and Indirect Speech tenses rules in detail. The conjunctions that, if, whether, are generally used after the reporting verb.

(Indirect) Remember that the reporting verb said is changed into told only when it is followed by an object.

1. Indirect He said that he would provide safety. This book bridges that gap by introducing key

7. Rule 6.

Now/just changes to then. In indirect speech, we change the pronouns, verbs and sometimes the tense to show that we are repeating someone elses words.

General rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech 7)Direct speech: Victoria will drop you, said Barbra.

Thus, the message can be conveyed in 2 ways. Rules (4): Tenses, pronouns and words denoting nearness are changed according to the rules. The structure of the independent clause depends on whether the speaker is reporting a statement, a question or a command.

Rule 3.

3.) Insert quotation marks, question mark, exclamation and full stop, as per the mood of the sentence. Today changes to that day/the same day.

Learn the rules for Spanish indirect speech online with Lingolias and practice indirect speech in the free exercises.

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